How's Life?
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LOVING Albuquerque!  Starting to feel like 'home'....  

I am enjoying my new job with Facebook.  What an amazing group of people to work with.  How different the work-life is when you start with 'assuming good intent' in all situations.  A positive work environment is a breath of fresh air.


On a more fun note....
2dogs glass is my passion for creating art with glass.  I started my glass adventure with stained glass over 25+ years ago.  Once I started I was hooked on the 'sparkle' of glass, it is mesmerizing.  I spent the first 15 years doing stained and mosaics.  These past 13+ years I worked with fused glass.  There is something about the texture and layering of the glass.  Glass is in my blood to stay.... :-)
Once you 'dabble' in an art form it is hard to stop creating.  In addition to glass, I enjoy mix media books and creating beaded jewelry.  You can't just have one artistic distraction. 
Connecting Creatively is the blog that I created to express and share art and the insights it brings.  This is a work in progress... it has recently stalled with the sale of our company and the move to ABQ, but it will be back.  When we can take a breath and get settled in and my art can start up again... so will the blog.  Watch for that soon...

A few miscellaneous links that I feel compelled to keep in the forefront for those that will listen....
Aspartame... here are a few articles explaining the dangers of this substance.  Although approved by the FDA, it is not safe for our bodies.  It is important that you do your own research, than follow the lead of the FDA blindly.   Here are a few articles for you to start your education....
- Dr. Mercola....
     + and
- Dr. Hull's book "Sweet Poison"... 
- Brain tumors.... and